To be co-workers with Christ in building lives.
- Resilience, hard work and diligence in guiding and mentoring students to reach for the stars.
- Persistent prayer in moulding a teacher’s aspirations to effectively aid and assist a growing child transform into a beautiful butterfly.
- Disciplined dependence on God’s wisdom to guide every leader to offer his best support in forming a complete person.
- Replace the burden of studies & performance based lifestyle with a hunger for learning.
- Create self-awareness and build inherent talent unique to every student.
- Experience global learning opportunities through technology and travel.
- Impart critical thinking abilities and inspire a curious mind that is inclined to investigate and create solutions.
- Develop creative thinking skills to inspire a generation of creators and inventors.
- Plan and implement community-building programs to strengthen and enrich our immediate society.
- Develop compassion towards the needy in our society and create a culture of charity and kindness.
Our Values
Our value is to demonstrate love and teach compassion. We are also DETERMINED to eradicate intellectual discrimination and develop equality in our perception of our fellow citizens.